Well, I did my duty as a US citizen today....put my little vote in the ballot box! I must say I'm feeling quite patriotic. I was supposed to have an absentee ballot in my hands by now, but it still hasn't come and I couldn't wait any longer (that and the fact that if I waited for that ballot to come through the Russian postal service, I might be waiting until the next election). I hope to use my ballot, if/when it gets to me, for a lesson in school about how we vote in America. Hmm...I should probably study up on that myself since everything seems to get more and more complicated as time goes by. My roommate asked me when we'll know who the next US president is, and it was hard to answer that question. The embassy rep. said it could be months after the election (was he joking?). I don't pretend to know the ins and outs of our complex political system. Anyway, I don't want to write about politics anymore. It puts me in a bad mood.
I said goodbye to a friend today who's ending her term here and headed back to the US next week. The lady who sold watermelons near my building has also vacated her watermelon cage and is probably on the road home, too. Everyone and everything here is always in transition it seems...bittersweet times. I'm given today to meet and reach out to people, and who knows what tomorrow holds?
"Carpe Diem--that's...seize the day" -Cameron from Dead Poets Society (man, urge to watch that movie NOW)
2 Timothy 1:7
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