A coworker let me borrow the new Beatles "Love" album the other day and as I was listening, I was thinking of other albums I've enjoyed this year:
1. Modern Skirts "Catalogue of Generous Men"
I saw this band from Athens, GA perform a few times this past year. They put on a fabulous live show and their album is packed with well-crafted, popy tunes. Favorite tracks: "Pasadena" and "My Bully"
2. The Weepies "Say I Am You"
Great music for coffeehouse listening. Favorite tracks: "The World Spins Madly On" and "Painting By Chagall"
3. Beirut "Gulag Orkestar"
Old-world, gypsy music at its finest. Favorite tracks: "Postcards From Italy" and "Scenic World"
4. Gomez "How We Operate"
Of course I'd have to put Gomez on here! They are one of my favorite bands...and their new album is now getting some radio play (is that a good thing these days?). Favorite tracks: "See The World" and "Girl-Shaped Love Drug"
5. Mute Math "Mute Math"
So what if the MTV crowd has embraced them? Their lyrics give a powerful message and they put on a killer live show complete with keytars and atari (my ear drums are still recooperating). Favorite track: "Noticed"
What's some music you've been enjoying this year?
Happy Christmas everyone!